Physio for Sports Injuries

Bristol based Sports Injury Specialists

Why get physio when you have injured yourself playing sport?

When you have injured yourself training or competing, the advice and treatment from an expert Physio can get you back in the game quicker and help prevent further injuries in the future.

Who can get Sports Therapy at Trust Physio Bristol?

Anyone can get sports therapy at Trust Physio, whatever your sport. Everyone from professional athletes to everyday athletes training and competing for fun!

How can Trust Physio prevent you getting injured and improve performance when training and competing?

Our therapists are experts in how to optimise performance from the human body. They will identify inefficiencies in your patterns of movement, imbalance in your muscle strength and length, and limitations in your joint range of motion. They will work with you to bring balance, strength, stability and mobility to your body to help maximise your performance and prevent injury.

How can I get Sports Therapy at Trust Physio Bristol?

You can book a 45 minute Sports Therapy initial consultation with one of our therapists at our clinic - 3 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1HL.

A 45 minute initial consultation costs £75 and a 30 minute follow up session costs £55.