Sports Kinesiology Taping

K Taping in Bristol

What is K taping?

K taping is the use of elastic fabric tape to improve the performance of muscles and add a sense of stability to painful joints. K is short for “kinesiology” which describes the study of human movement. In that sense, the elastic properties of K tape allow joint movement whilst adding the sense of stability to the joint. It is really an exercise in branding, but the elastic nature of K tape contrasts with other types of non-elastic taping that restrict movement.

How can K tape help me?

Our therapists are experts in using K tape as part of their treatment approach to stabilise joints and improve muscle function. As well as improving performance in athletes, K tape is effective in everyday injuries, so you can discuss the benefits of taping with your therapist.

How can I get K taping at Trust Physio Bristol?

You can book a 45 minute initial consultation with one of our therapists at our clinic - 3 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1HL.

A 45 minute initial consultation costs £75 and a 30 minute follow up session costs £55. The cost of tape is included in the consultation fees.